Political Pilgrimage Cinema toward the Cuban Revolution. Genre Consolidation between the Revolutionarism and the Acosmism

  • Henry Eric Hernández Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Political Pilgrimage, Revolutionary Imaginary, Cuban Cinema


What we name political pilgrimage cinema arrives in Cuba for the first time in the sixties as a consequence of the confluence between the heyday of the mass media civilization and the revolutionarism. This cinema, which is composed by twenty films, has a seminal value with regard to the foundation and reproduction of the so-called Cuban revolutionary imaginary, and the development of the Left’s imaginary in general. The symbolical register of this cinema was negotiated between the political Other and Self; that is, between the Cuban Revolution, on one hand, as a way to look for its legitimation at an international level; and, on the other hand, those European filmmakers who went to the island as political pilgrims in order to appropriate the Cuban Revolution’s militant precepts.


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How to Cite
Hernández H. E. (2011). Political Pilgrimage Cinema toward the Cuban Revolution. Genre Consolidation between the Revolutionarism and the Acosmism. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 30, 4. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ARAB.2011.n30.37840