Creativity in times of complexity
The scope of the transversal influence of creativity in all areas of activity of individuals and groups as a form of complex adaptive behavior is essential in these VUCA times ((Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity). In the Digital Design and Culture Meetings (EDCD), all undertaken actions were influenced by a current of transverse creativity. This mode of stigmergic interaction, of distributed cognition, shapes a dynamic which leads from individual thought to a collective action, so it assembles a global behavior, a certain “swarm logic” in which local interactions between agents lead to the emergence of complex global behavior. This text explores creativity as a systemic phenomenon in the interactions that foster the generation of affordances that facilitate co-creative work and bring together transformative heuristics. The text also prospectively explores these aspects in the interactions between creativity and artificial intelligence.
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- Grupo de Investigación Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales. Cibersomosaguas
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