Spanish researchers’ difficulties to publish in international journals: metrics, editors and multilingualism
Throughout history, there have been several languages, such as German, French or English, which have gained the status of lingua franca of international scientific communication. However, contemporary science has witnessed a significant increase in the use of English for scholarly communication. As a result, nowadays, scientific records written in languages other than English are increasingly scarce, hence, perpetuating English as a lingua franca in this context. This situation has brought about many difficulties and inequalities that non-Anglophone researchers need to face when it comes to developing their professional activity. It has also given rise to a change in researchers´ patterns of publication associated with their attitudes towards the languages they can choose to communicate their results. In this paper, we offer a state-of-the-art review and analyze the data available from the main studies that have been carried out in Spain and in other non-Anglophone contexts. Finally, pedagogical, economic and political implications are discussed.
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