#DroneHackademy: Aerial countervisuality and citizen science for UAVS as social technology

  • Pablo de Soto Suárez Escuela de Comunicación de la Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: Drones, activism, counter survilliance, Rio de Janeiro, evictions.


Drones are a dark technology (Lichty). The military drones that kill civilians are unevenly distributed, geographically. The video "Our Drone Future" (Cornell) imagines a scenario where UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), with their technologies and capabilities, come to be pervasive in the skies of our future cities. The panoptic vision of the drone is a fundamental part of contemporary “complex of visuality” defined by the military-industrial complex, according to Mirzoeff. He proposes "the right to look" as a form of opposition to this alliance of visuality and power. The right to look from the skies as a practice of contravisuality using drones is claimed and exercised by an increasing number of hackers, artivists, social scientists, independent journalists and environmental activists, such as Mark Devries (FarmDrones) or Lot Amorós (Guerilla Drone, Flone). In order to investigate and act in the present on "Our future drone", we propose the creation of a citizen laboratory and a learning community in the use of UAVs as social technology. Drone Hackademy joined for a week ten representatives of collectives from Rio de Janeiro and other Brazilian cities. Participants were teached how and why to protect themselves from UAVs. Activities included the construction of free hardware and software UAVs such as Flone; and the production of an aerial mapping of the local community resisting eviction in the area annex to the Olympic Park.


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Grupo de Investigación Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales. Cibersomosaguas

Author Biography

Pablo de Soto Suárez, Escuela de Comunicación de la Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro
Pablo de Soto es Diploma Master de Arquitectura por el Real Instituto de Tecnología de Estocolmo. Cofundador de hackitectura.net, un laboratorio de arquitectos, programadores, artistas y activistas, dedicado entre 2001 y 2010 a investigar teórica y prácticamente los territorios emergentes en los que se encuentran espacios físicos, cuerpos móviles y flujos electrónicos. Coautor de la cartografía crítica del Estrecho de Gibraltar. Editor de los libros Fadaiat: libertad de movimiento, libertad de conocimiento y “Situation Room: diseñando un prototipo de sala de situación ciudadana”. Premios LAB_Cyberspacios y LAB_JovenExperimenta por LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial de Gijón. Premio Elinor Ostrom por la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Codirector del taller “Cartografiando Gaza” para el taller de invierno de la escuela de Arquitectura de Alicante. Director del taller de Videocartografía Metropolitana en Medellin LabSurLab. Actualmente Doctorando en la Escuela de Comunicación de la Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro e integrante del MediaLab de dicha Institución.



How to Cite
de Soto Suárez P. (2015). #DroneHackademy: Aerial countervisuality and citizen science for UAVS as social technology. Teknokultura. Journal of Digital Culture and Social Movements, 12(3), 449-471. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_TK.2015.v12.n3.49798