Institucional discourses on the Covid19 pandemic aimed at children on Youtube

  • Alex Iván Arevalo Salinas Universidad de Extremadura
  • Nicole Mazzucchelli Olmedo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile y Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España
  • Astrid Arévalo Salinas Universidad de Valparaíso


The covid-19 health crisis has led to the development of a series of audiovisual campaigns generated by public administrations in order to report on the effects of the pandemic and its preventive measures. To analyze how this audiovisual production was directed towards children, it is proposed as a general objective to analyze the videos published by public administrations in the context of the covid-19 pandemic as a health communication mechanism. The study analyzed the 3 videos with the highest number of selected views applying the search criteria (covid-children). An analysis of the representation of childhood and its different approaches is carried out at three levels: sender, discourse and reception. The results show a scarce audiovisual production aimed at children and a reduced number of views and comments in relation to other types of emitters. This raises the need for public administrations to investigate successful strategies that can increase their impact on YouTube and make room for strategies that promote information in childhood.


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Author Biographies

Alex Iván Arevalo Salinas, Universidad de Extremadura

Investigador en la Universidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Derecho P´úblico. Doctor y Máster en Estudios Internacionales de Paz, Conflictos y Desarrollo

Nicole Mazzucchelli Olmedo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile y Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España

Trabajadora social, Magíster en Gestión Cultural, Universidad de Playa Ancha. Doctoranda en Psicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Académica en universidades de la región, donde se destacan Universidad de Viña del Mar, Universidad de Valparaíso y Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Trayectoria e investigación en Personas mayores, Género, participación y sexualidad en la vejez.

Astrid Arévalo Salinas, Universidad de Valparaíso

Profesora en la Universidad de Valparaíso. Trabajadora social. Magíster en Políticas Públicas por FLACSO Chile.

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How to Cite
Arevalo Salinas A. I., Mazzucchelli Olmedo N. y Arévalo Salinas A. (2020). Institucional discourses on the Covid19 pandemic aimed at children on Youtube. Sociedad e Infancias, 4, 219-223.
Otras colaboraciones: vivencias infantiles de la pandemia".