Physical Containment as a Method of Control and Punishment in residential Centers for Boys and Girls: Analysis of its Relevance and Application in Chile

  • Silvana Zeballos Fundación para la Confianza
  • Gabriel Guzmán Fundación para la Confianza
Keywords: Physical containment, SENAME, residential centers, action in crisis


The Committee on the Rights of the Child, through the procedure allowed by Optional Protocol No. 5, issued a report affirming that the State of Chile has systematically violated the rights of children in residential care centres. One of the aspects of this is the application of physical restraints as a method of control and punishment. This is reflected in the high number of children who have been victims or witnesses of its application, as well as by the testimonies from public servants. A panel of experts analysed the current regulations of the National Service for Minors, the public service in charge of their own and third-party centres, criticizing the real need for this type of action as well as its scope of use and application.


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Author Biographies

Silvana Zeballos, Fundación para la Confianza

Enfermera, Docente pre grado

Gabriel Guzmán, Fundación para la Confianza

Coordinador Ejecutivo

Observatorio para la Confianza

Fundación para la Confianza

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How to Cite
Zeballos S. y Guzmán G. (2019). Physical Containment as a Method of Control and Punishment in residential Centers for Boys and Girls: Analysis of its Relevance and Application in Chile. Sociedad e Infancias, 3, 261-280.