«Esto no es Guernica...». Fotografías en prensa de la destrucción de Guernica durante la guerra civil española

  • Javier Ortiz Echagüe
Keywords: Guernica’s bombardment, Photography and Propaganda, Photography in the Spanish Civil War, Spanish Pavilion in the Paris World Fair 1937


The bombardment of Guernica was a media event of great importance during the Spanish Civil War. The fact that Franco attributed the destruction of the city to a Republican fire led to a vigorous debate in the press and cinema. Among other media, photography was used as evidence to prove either interpretation of what “really” happened. This research attempts to examine the use of photography in both Francoist and Republican press, and how each one used photographs as “evidence”, which were conveniently interpreted under their own point of view.


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How to Cite
Ortiz Echagüe J. . (2010). «Esto no es Guernica...». Fotografías en prensa de la destrucción de Guernica durante la guerra civil española. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 16, 349-368. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESMP/article/view/ESMP1010110349A