Problemas conceptuales del vocabulario biológico. Su posible solución.

  • M. Unamuno Adarraga
Keywords: Biologic vocabulary Scient¡fic language Co¡nmon langua ge Primary education Secondary education Model Biologie funtion


In the teaching of Biology --as in any other Science-- precision in language and a correct use of specific tenninology is essential, which eould be expressed as the reciprocal melationship term-concept. The books dont often comply with this requisite, causing great conceptual problems. In somne cases the tenns tmsed are clearly nonsensical, corroborated Didáctica, 9,311-328. Servicio de Publicaciones UCM. Madrid, 1997 312 Merce¿les U¡m.a¡nu¡mo Ad¿mrraga In other cases its a question of ambiguity between --as a matter of course. common language and scientific language And in other cases it can be owing to the own conceptual difficulty of Science, which not always comes terms with the terminological model. In alí cases, possible solutions are always reíated to a higher scientific fosmation.


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How to Cite
Unamuno Adarraga M. (1997). Problemas conceptuales del vocabulario biológico. Su posible solución. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 9, 311.