New Dictionaries for Old Problems: Addressing the Treatment of Vocabulary in the Classroom through the Use of Innovative Tools

Keywords: Didactics of the language, lexicography, digital dictionaries, moodle, new technologies


The way in which the treatment of the norm and grammar in the classroom should be approached is a classic debate in language teaching. Using the lexicon as an articulating element to understand the language system, and using the dictionary as a fundamental resource and tool in the classroom constitutes a course of action that can contribute in a relevant way to that debate. This article describes a classroom experience in which a dictionary of neologisms was collectively elaborated, with the words most frequently used by university students, using Moodle. It is a pedagogical proposal that is addressed to first-year students of the Degree in Primary Education and that is oriented towards the dictionary, but not only as a work tool, but as the final goal of the activity. The students must decide on the lemmas, create their own entries in a rigorous, documented and systematic way, as well as assess those of their peers, through collective work and co-evaluation in the group, and using various digital tools.


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Author Biography

Rosalía Cotelo García, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Departamento de Filologías y su Didáctica. Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación.

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How to Cite
Cotelo García R. (2023). New Dictionaries for Old Problems: Addressing the Treatment of Vocabulary in the Classroom through the Use of Innovative Tools. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 35, 217-229.
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