ComunicArte Project: Art and words for learning Spanish and to participate in the city from a intercultural approach. A didactic proposal

  • Concepción Francos Maldonado Aula de Inmersión Lingüística. IES Alfonso II.
Keywords: Reading, writing, linguistic diversity, multilingualism, cultural, academic and intercultural communicative competence, art.


Our proposal is developed in a multicultural and multilingual school contexts, in secondary education, with new students to Spain from different continents. Based on an interdisciplinary theoretical framework, there is the Spanish second language learning to develop conversational communicative competence, academic and intercultural awareness in multilingualism. From a pedagogy that accompanies and listen to his voice and subjects with biography, connections are established between subjective, cultural references and linguistic students of the classroom, school and everyday environments. We look to the portrait and self-portrait as a written text and as artistic expression .To do this we approach how to look and read a work of art through works of some artists and the art of different cultures are made self-portraits, intercultural readings in some cases bilingual in Spanish and other languages in the classroom, and work writing descriptive texts, poetic, informative, with contents of some curriculum areas, fostering dialogue between cultures and awareness of linguistic diversity.


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How to Cite
Francos Maldonado C. (2019). ComunicArte Project: Art and words for learning Spanish and to participate in the city from a intercultural approach. A didactic proposal. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 26, 169-196.