Interpassive art. Interactivity as an interpassive medium in the art reception

Keywords: interpassive art, interpassivity, interactive art, interactivity


Interpassivity is the inverse structure of interactivity and has been analyzed as cultural behavior by the philosophers Robert Pfaller and Slavoj Zizek. Interpassivity is delegated passivity, one is passive through the other while doing something actively, which allows one to avoid identification and subjectivation. Could we talk about interpassive art? What links would be established between interpassive art and interactive art? What would be its characteristics and conditions? A translation of the concept of interpassivity is proposed from the field of philosophy towards the space of the art reception, an original contribution of this research. A methodology based on comparative literature has been used, applying exegesis (interactivity-interpassivity) and eisegesis (interpassive art) as methods. It is concluded that all art is interactive and that interactivity as a false activity in the work of art acts as a substitute ritual act for the spectator. The fundamental paradox resides in the fact that interactivity, by diluting the distance and dissent in the art reception, becomes an interpassive medium that hinders the processes of subjectivation typical of the aesthetic experience. Interactivity allows an interpassive art. What today is called interactive art is truly an interpassive art.


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Author Biography

José M. Ruiz-Martín, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Toledo, España. 1984.
Doctor en Nuevas Prácticas Artísticas por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
Profesor del Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid.
Fue Profesor Titular y Director de Posgrado de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Central del Ecuador (Quito, Ecuador).
Autor de los libros El monstruo y el f´ósil (FLACSO, 2022), Arte, Tecnología y Sociedad (UCE, 2018), Register (Caleidoscopio, 2017), Electrical Pulses (El Ángel Editor, 2016) y El laboratorio actual de Gráfica Digital. Checking and testing de hardware y software de alto rendimiento con fines creativos (Ediciones UCLM, 2011) y de varias publicaciones y artículos en revistas indexadas sobre laboratorios, centros de creación artística, cultura visual y teoría del arte contemporáneo.
Como artista multimedia, su obra ha recibido diversos premios internacionales y ha formado parte de exposiciones y festivales de prestigio de Israel, Bélgica, Portugal, Uruguay, México, Colombia, Perú, Ecuador, Venezuela y España, entre otros.

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How to Cite
Ruiz-Martín J. M. . (2023). Interpassive art. Interactivity as an interpassive medium in the art reception. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 36(2), 345-351.