Creativity and stop motion futures: learning to build stories collaboratively

Keywords: co-creation, storytelling, game, futures, stop-motion, creativity, education, sustainability, interdisciplinary educational games, workshop on audio-visual creation.


 In this paper, we present the results of the workshops linked to the Future Story Chasers project, carried out in primary and secondary schools in Barcelona (Spain) with the aim of generating audiovisual narratives through them. These workshops, based on story generation through a board game and shaped through the stop motion technique, were produced in the context of a research project devoted to the creation of narrative tools and strategies that allow addressing social and environmental issues speculatively in education settings.

We will analyze the materials generated by the participants in the workshops and the observation of the creative process and we will delve into two aspects: a) the creative strategies, improvisation or team management, b) the ways in which socio-environmental issues emerge as well as other significant issues related to the daily life of the participants and their symbolic universe.


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Author Biography

Gemma San Cornelio, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Gemma San Cornelio es Profesora Agregada de los Estudios de Ciencias de la Información y la Comunicación de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Docente en el ámbito de comunicación y diseño y Directora Académica del Máster Universitario en Diseño, Identidad Visual y Construcción de Marca. Es coordinadora del grupo de investigación Mediaccions, en comunicación y cultura digital, y ha publicado extensamente sobre prácticas creativas y participación en medios digitales, narrativas personales e identidad en internet.

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How to Cite
San Cornelio G., Hofman V. Y., Ardèvol E. y Sivera S. (2022). Creativity and stop motion futures: learning to build stories collaboratively. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 34(1), 369-388.