The design of poetic and autopoetic methods in Artistic Education: articulating methodologies and methodographies
- Martín Caeiro Universidad de Zaragoza
- María Dolores Callejón University of Jaén
- Pedro Chacón Granada University
In this article we introduce you to the methods that art teachers design to guide the course
of their teaching action and thus achieve the learning main. The general objective is to identify
the importance of the methods in the context of Art Education and the need to differentiate in their
design between the singularities of the teacher and the student to open up to the poetic and autopoetic
possibilities that are given when creating. To this end, we identify the points of connection between
different methodical models and how the processes of creation make possible the personalization
and diversification of the method. Likewise, we define the methodology by incorporating the term
methodography. Through the investigations and comparisons made in the analyzed literature, it is
revealed that the personalization of the method is possible and desirable, identifying the need to open it
to the poetic and autopoetic from its ideation, something that has already happened in artistic research.
We conclude that talking about teaching methodologies cannot mean that art and its own education are conditioned by systemic didactic models, since the poetic conditions of the act of artistic creation must
also define elements such as method.
Author Biographies
Doctor of Fine Arts (2008, University of Vigo); Degree in Fine Arts (2003) and Diploma in Advanced Studies (2005) in the Faculty of Fine Arts (Pontevedra); Course on Pedagogical Adaptation (CAP) in the Faculty of Education Sciences (Pontevedra, 2004); Accredited by ANECA, he has attended many training courses focused on artistic practice, research and teaching. Nowadays, he is a member of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Education of the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). He is the director of the Department of Visual and Plastic Arts Didactics and teaches various subjects in the Master of Teacher Training in Secondary Education (Speciality Drawing and Plastic Arts), and in Infant and Primary School Grades, an activity he combines with the Direction of End of Master and End of Degree Works. He has carried out a doctoral thesis on the concept of the "imaginal": El Reino imaginal: viaje de lo natural a lo real y viceversa;.Several exhibitions such as Zoografías del Alma (Museo Verbum. Casa das palabras de Vigo, 2007), Proyecto Neuston, Experimento 1: explando la interfase (Museo del Mar de Vigo, 2009). Co-editor of the books Guía práctica de la Carrera Investigadora en Bellas Artes (University of Vigo, 2007), Notas para una investigación artística (University of Vigo, 2008) and La cultura transversal: colaboraciones entre arte, ciencia y tecnología, (University of Vigo, 2010); He has published several articles such as: El aborigen y sus imágenes (Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, Política y Humanidades Araucaria, 2009);, Exponer lo imaginal: reproducir y representar (Revista Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2009); Tecnopatías de la educación artística: reflexiones en torno a la enseñanza y aprendizaje digital del arte (Biblioteca ONLINE, 2015); o el relato Othijerero y el agujero mágico (Editorial Xerais de Vigo,( 2008)
Teaching at different educational levels from primary education to postgraduate, including continuing education, non-formal education and mediation and social intervention through the arts. Academic and quality commission of the official Master of Research and Aesthetic Education: arts, music and design of the University of Jaén. Coordination of the itinerary Artistic creation and contemporary culture in the socio-educational field; and of the subjects such as Aesthetic education, creation and society. Challenges and trends and Research methodology in this master's degree, and Learning and teaching of the speciality and Teaching innovation and initiation to educational research in the Training of Teachers of Compulsory Secondary Education, of the same university. Thesis direction, final projects and supervised research projects. Member of the Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Bellas Artes de Andalucía, member of the Red Ibero-Americana de Educación Artística and of the International Society of Education Throught Arts. Member of several research groups of the Junta de Andalucía, Universidad de Barcelona and UNIR. Participation in the organization and management of meetings. Scientific committee and review of national and international conferences and journals.
Doctor of Fine Arts from the University of Granada. At present, he is a contracted professor in the Didactic Department of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression in the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Granada. Member of the research group HUM489: Artistic Education and Aesthetics in Visual Arts.
Expert in teaching Art Education, Visual Culture, Children's Drawing and methods in Art Education. He has participated with his research in numerous magazines with a high level of impact. He has also made numerous scientific contributions presented at international conferences, has participated in three projects of teaching innovation and three R+D+I projects
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