Addressing SITU_ACCÃO: Case Study of an Artistic Intervention and Research into Public Spaces

Keywords: art, participatory investigation, city, public spaces
Agencies: This work is funded by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the project [SFRH/BPD/116916/2016].


This article explores the embodiment of the art historical avant-garde legacy through some of the artistic manifestations across the 20th century, in public spaces. At the same time, it discusses the incorporation of such historical background in contemporary collaborative research practices. It does so by addressing the case study of the collective Situ_Acção, a group of artists and researchers from different fields of arts and communication, whose activity is focused on intervention in the city, based on action and collaborative research and shared reflection on urban phenomena, associated with public arts.

First, it will be described how Situ_Acção started a common ground for the inquiry: the legacy of urban murals in Lisbon. By investigating the Portuguese digital archives of urban murals of the 1970s and 1980s, Situ_Acção applied spatial artistic techniques to overcome the missing information regarding the places of intervention. In addition, the use of performance and on-site installation implements alternative approaches to communicate research to a wider audience. This exercise will allow different degrees of participation within the work of art in progress. The project Memory in the Walls (MOWS) will be described in the concluding chapter, in order to explore such degrees of interaction.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Pratas-Cruzeiro, IHA - NOVA FCSH

Cristina Pratas Cruzeiro currently is a postdoctoral researcher by the FCT, the portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology, with the project "Colaboração e Colisão: intervenção pública e política da arte" (Collaboration and Collision: the public and political intervention of art - SFRH/BPD/116916/2016 ) at IHA, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. She is an integrated researcher at IHA-FCSH and invited researcher at CIEBA – FBAUL, Lisboa, Portugal. She was an invited professor at the Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa, between 2008 and 2018.

She holds a Ph.D in Art Science (Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa) with an thesis about the relation between art and reality (Arte e Realidade: Aproximação, diluição e simbiose no século XX) and a MA dissertation about the dissolution of the authorship in the twentieth century. Her research is focused on the relationship between contemporary artistic practices and the society, political movements and public space.

Helena Elias, University of Lisbon

The artist and researcher is part of an Erasmus generation, who studied and lived in cities like Lisbon, Aberdeen and Barcelona and attended several Faculties of Fine Arts, obtaining academic degrees in different systems of education and Research. She therefore recognized the need to think about the place of artistic research in academia. Diverse experiences have helped her to position her artistic practice within the academic culture of European research and to negotiate levels of articulation of her artistic research with other disciplinary fields on the basis of praxis and reflective practice. Artistic practice, teaching, research are the activities that shape her scientific-artistic performance, fed simultaneously by the action of practice and theoretical reflection.

Tânia Cortez, Universidade Vigo

Is a plastic artist, born in Portugal in 1980.

Graduated in Plastic Arts - Painting at Faculty of Fines Arts - Porto Univesity, in 2005.

Master of Art and Architecture Criticism - College of Arts - Coimbra University, in 2013.

Since 2019 attends the PhD Program in Creation and Research in Contemporary Art - Vigo University.

Participated in several individual and collective exhibitions, organized and curated artistic projects of Visual and Performing Arts.

Was part of the team that in 2018 organized the International Public art Journeys - Palimpsestos Urbanos - and is member of the Public art Research Line at Faculty of Fines Arts – Lisbon. On April 24, 2018, collaborated in Situ_Acção -The memory on the walls.


Worked as teacher, of various disciplines of arts - different levels of Education, since 2006 until 2016. Currently works at Local Council – Alvalade - in Lisbon.


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How to Cite
Pratas-Cruzeiro C., Elias H., Valente C. y Cortez T. (2021). Addressing SITU_ACCÃO: Case Study of an Artistic Intervention and Research into Public Spaces. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 33(2), 433-447.