Artistic practices of visualization between body and object in environments of pedagogical mediation

  • Ricard Ramon Universitat de València
Keywords: Environments, bodies, visualization, photography, mediation, teaching


The paper is the product of a research process based on the Photo Based Research methodology carried out with students training to be teachers. It addresses a research proposal based on the analysis of performative-artistic practices of the body, in relation to an environment of pedagogical mediation and related objects, in order to establish a new analytical perspective on the mediating role of the environment and its objects on the position of the teacher and their identity. This gives us an insight into and allows us to subvert these effects of mediation, which we develop in the paper using the idea of analysing the visualisation of media environments. With this, we can use visualisation to create alternative proposals for projecting, transforming and changing our position in the medium, and for transforming the medium. By analysing the research process, the positioning of students in their teaching projection in the medium becomes visible. Therefore, we conclude our research by certifying that the proposed visualization of media environments between bodies and objects is effective as an element of reflection, learning and construction of new knowledge about it and about us; facilitates the creation of new possible worlds; and challenges the immutability of the media power of the environment.


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Author Biography

Ricard Ramon, Universitat de València

Profesor del Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal de la Universitat de València.

Invetigador del Instituto Universitario de Creatividad e Innovaciones Educativas de la Universitat de València.

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How to Cite
Ramon R. (2019). Artistic practices of visualization between body and object in environments of pedagogical mediation. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 31(3), 509-526.