The Cosmonaut Ivan Istochnikov in the Post-Photographic Era

  • Mario F. Benito Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)
Keywords: Post-Photography, Internet, visual communication, truth, memory


Photography is undergoing a radical transformation due to three factors of technological development: digitalization, the beginning and accelerated development of the Internet and, finally, the revolution of mobile devices. This ongoing process resulting in what has been called Post-Photography. Key concepts in Photography are being “dematerialized” in the digital “liquid” environment of the World Wide Web, where the individual authorship of images is giving way to forms of visual expression in which a new meaning is created and concepts such as truth and memory enter a crisis. This work questions whether the project Sputnik, made by Joan Fontcuberta in 1997 with the purpose of reflecting on the uses of Photography at that time, would make sense in the current Post-Photographic Era. After detailing the adventure of the cosmonaut Ivan Istochnikov and what happened in the media, the characteristics of Post-Photography are studied, to conclude that such a work would have no meaning after the aforementioned transformation of the photographic act.


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Author Biography

Mario F. Benito, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)

Profesor asociado en la Facultad de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Alumno de la Escuela de Doctorado de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Master en Periodismo Cultural y Nuevas Tendencias por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Redactor en el diario El Mundo 1994-2018

Redactor en el diario La Información de Madrid 1992-1994

Redactor en el diaro El Sol 1990-1992

Editor del blog sobre prensa y diseño

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How to Cite
Benito M. F. (2019). The Cosmonaut Ivan Istochnikov in the Post-Photographic Era. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 31(3), 453-469.