Prefiguring, Co-creating, Interweaving. Design, Creativity, Interculturality

  • Widman Said Valbuena Universidad de Caldas. Oka, consultores académicos estratégicos.
Keywords: Creativity, Co-design, Interculturality, Intercultural Design, Cross-cultural Design


This article focuses on answering two questions: what is understood in design by creativity and interculturality? and how have interculturality and creativity been studied in design? for this purpose it is used of the open coding proper to the method of grounded theory, with a unit of analysis consisting of the categories of approaches to creativity, cultural diversity, multiculturalism and interculturality, in addition to the recent participatory and social approaches to Design.

The analysis leads to establish three characteristics of these studies: 1. The cognitive approach of creativity is the most predominant, with preference for methods and techniques installed in the technical interest of Science, subordinating other epistemological orientations that understand creativity as a sociocultural phenomenon and historical, 2. There is conceptual inaccuracy and scarcity problematization of interculturality, confusing it with cultural diversity, multiculturalism or cross-culturality into design, and 3. The relationship interculturality - creativity is still incipient, prevailing the idea that cultural diversity can cause creative development.

The results obtained drive efforts to find ways to make creativity flow in pluricultural social systems of Codiseño, seeking to transform the dispersion of cultural diversity into a fabric of intercultural relations.


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Author Biography

Widman Said Valbuena, Universidad de Caldas. Oka, consultores académicos estratégicos.

PhD (c) en Diseño y Creación Magíster en Hábitat Especialista en Pedagogía del Diseño Licenciado en Diseño Tecnológico.

Interesado en investigar: Desarrollo de la Creatividad y Co-creación Diseño participativo | Interculturalidad | Educación.

Investigador social | Researcher through Design | Asesor en investigación cualitativa | Docente metodología de la investigación

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How to Cite
Valbuena W. S. (2018). Prefiguring, Co-creating, Interweaving. Design, Creativity, Interculturality. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 31(1), 111-129.