Resisting the time: the artist’ books and the cultivation of memory

  • Hortensia Mínguez-García Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, México, (UACJ). Instituto de Arquitectura, Diseño y Arte (IADA). Departamento de Diseño.
Keywords: Art, Art-book, artist’s book, memory, postmemory.


The artist book is an artistic genre has been developing in an increasingly prolific way in contemporary practice. Although it is true that formally and aesthetically it is a polymorphic genre, as narrative genre it possesses, per se, a poetic anchorage linked to the construction of micro-narratives; sometimes, intimate statements, others, of denouncing. The book of artist, as a book and therefore, an excellent icon of conservation and popularization of culture, is an ideal medium to resemantize our culture through the deconstruction of history. For this, many are the artists who, distancing themselves from the perspective of the great stories, decide to write a New History through a complex exercise of the recovery of the social memory and even the postmemory. The present text seeks to show how through the relationship between the theme of Memory and the books of artist, a transdisciplinary exercise is verified where the artist becomes a rapporteur, a researcher, a poet; but above all, a creative person who seeks to reach society from a richer and more contrasted heteroglossical vision of history, an eminently empathetic artist who an eminently empathetic artist who worries about projecting humanity into a better future


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Author Biography

Hortensia Mínguez-García, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, México, (UACJ). Instituto de Arquitectura, Diseño y Arte (IADA). Departamento de Diseño.
Dra. en Bellas Artes por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Desde el 2007, docente e investigadora titular de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, México. Responsable del grupo de investigación "Gráfica Contemporánea" adscrito a la UACJ.
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How to Cite
Mínguez-García H. (2018). Resisting the time: the artist’ books and the cultivation of memory. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 30(3), 519-540.