Heritage Nodes. Analysis of personal heritage links

  • Olaia Fontal-Merillas Universidad de Valladolid
  • Sofía Marín-Cepeda Universidad de Valladolid
Keywords: Heritage, links, heritage education, identity, research


The present study takes place in the fundamental subject “Plastic and visual fundamentals in education”, of the 2nd year in Primary Education Degree at the University of Valladolid. This study is part of the research carried out in the Observatory of Patrimonial Education in Spain through three research projects (Ref: EDU2009-09679, EDU2012-37212, EDU2015-65716-C2-1-R), generated in 2009 from the University of Valladolid, and is inserted in the web People and Heritage (www. personasypatrimonios.com). We study and analyze 62 personal heritage samples in order to know and understand link types that students establish with heritage assets, and how they understand the heritage concept within the framework of their academic education. To do this, we performed a qualitative and quantitative analysis, using the Nudist Vivo 10 program and statistical-descriptive analysis, locating 10 types of links and “heritage nodes”, among other keys from the analyzes of the data obtained. Thus, we deepen the understanding of identity bonds towards artistic education


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Author Biographies

Olaia Fontal-Merillas, Universidad de Valladolid
Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal. Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social. Universidad de Valladolid.
Sofía Marín-Cepeda, Universidad de Valladolid

Coordinadora UVa del Master en Arteterapia y Educación Artística para la inclusión social
Profesora Ayudante Doctor en la Universidad de Valladolid

Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal, Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social, Universidad de Valladolid.

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How to Cite
Fontal-Merillas O. y Marín-Cepeda S. (2018). Heritage Nodes. Analysis of personal heritage links. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 30(3), 483-500. https://doi.org/10.5209/ARIS.57754