Remnants of a life program in AR.S Alzheimer Project: Tools for dialogue and stimulate memories through art

  • Lorena López-Méndez Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR)
Keywords: Memory, archive, Alzheimer, dementia, artistic education


This article presents the “Remnants of a life” of AR.S Project (Health Art and Alzheimer), a project that has been developed from 2011 to 2015. This project uses the program file and the analog and digital diary as tools for dialogue and work the latent memories in people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, from analysis and thought in images. The workshops have been implemented in the State Reference Center for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias (CRE) of Salamanca during the periods 2010-2011 and 2014-2015 and the Alzheimer’s Association of Madrid during the 2012-2013. Currently, this Center has a file that is composed of forty-five workshops whose theme revolves around matters and activities of daily life (ADLs), represented by the work of artists from different periods and styles, as well as a diary of images, the product of a photographic record of the workshop process and the artistic productions of the participants, allowing us to keep the memory of users during and after the meetings implemented in the art education program.


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Author Biography

Lorena López-Méndez, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR)
Profesora de Diseño Editorial y edición de contenidos del Grado de Diseño Digital, en la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. (UNIR).
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How to Cite
López-Méndez L. (2017). Remnants of a life program in AR.S Alzheimer Project: Tools for dialogue and stimulate memories through art. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 29(Esp.), 139-158.