The first steps in the foreshortening of human figure. "A geometrical analysis"

  • M. Ángel Maure-Rubio Profesor de Dibujo Técnico de la Facultad de Bellas Artes, UCM
Keywords: perspective, painting, geometry and art, mural painting, drawing


Through a historic path centered in the Renascence, are exposed some of the most meaningful contributions of theorist and artists the evolution of the human figure foreshortening from a geometrical involving point of view.

The artist, using their drawings and texts to help others in the learning of the representation, rushed to include the study of the foreshortening in their treatises, searching ways to facilitate its drawing in any kind of support and any position in space.

In this article are analyzed and linked, treatises of geometrical experts, with art works that reflect important advances in this field.

Supports such as canvas, walls or vaults represent new working surfaces and different space positions for the artist. The human figure, protagonist in the scene, will have to adapt in order to be contemplated from wider and different architectonic spaces.

It was necessary to master perspective in drawing, and more specifically in wall-drawing, in order to offer compositions that were each time more ambitions and surprising.


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How to Cite
Maure-Rubio M. Á. (2016). The first steps in the foreshortening of human figure. "A geometrical analysis". Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 28(2), 277-296.