The redemption of the gaze: the crisis of observation in the "fin de siècle" and the advent of cinema

  • Miren Uharte-Huertas
Keywords: cinema, modernity, the gaze.


The intention of this article is not to affirm, but rather to question wether it is possible to speak of a loss of the ability to gaze in the context of the nineteenth century and especially in the context of the fin de siècle, in the bosom of the epistemological crisis that beset the Turn of the Century. And very especially, this article tries to question about the impact this crisis had, perhaps, in the birth of cinema. Is in this context that arises the work of Marey and the advent of the cinematograph of the Lumière brothers in the fin de siècle Europe, both of them showing a deep faith in a mechanical apparatus that would allow the redemption of a battered gaze. And it seems to be a dream that continues over time through the tradition of shooting the everyday life.


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Author Biography

Miren Uharte-Huertas

- Licenciada en Historia del Arte por la EHU/UPV. 
- Último año de carrera realizado en la Università degli studi di Bologna (Bologna, Italia) bajo el programa Sócrates-Erasmus. Especialización en Cine.
- Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (D.E.A.)

- Postgrado de Realización Cinematográfica en la escuela EICB de Barcelona. (2002-2004)

- Doctora en Antropología por la Universidad de Barcelona. (02/12/2011).

- Actualmente miembro de Grup de Recerca sobre Exclusió i Control socials (GRECS) de la Universitat de Barcelona.

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How to Cite
Uharte-Huertas M. (2015). The redemption of the gaze: the crisis of observation in the "fin de siècle" and the advent of cinema. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 27(2), 243-256.