Aesthetic quality of the school environment: The invisible (f)actor

  • Luis H. Errázuriz-Larraín Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Keywords: aesthetic quality, everyday school environment


The purpose of this article is to consider everyday aesthetics of the school environment as a factor which could contribute to improve the quality of education and the way we understand school reforms, beyond the definition of standards and the measurement of performance in subjects such as math and language. There is no research and systematic studies about the aesthetic dimension of schools’ learning spaces in Chile. Consequently, there is a need to approach this issue to better understand the present state of affairs and hence create more interesting and sustainable environment in our schools.

Firstly, some historical and contemporary arguments regarding the material and aesthetic dimensions of the school environment are considered in order to illustrate how they may affect the quality of education, and then, the need to support the importance of everyday aesthetic experiences emerge by considering the thought of prominent researchers in the field. Finally, some key issues and questions related to the aesthetic quality of the school environment are proposed to reflect about.


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Author Biography

Luis H. Errázuriz-Larraín, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

PhD in Art Education, Instituto de Educación, Universidad de Londres, Inglaterra (1989). Profesor Titular e investigador del Instituto de Estética en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Ejerce la docencia en las áreas de Experiencia Estética y Educación, Arte, Cultura y Sociedad, Cosmovisiones y Producción Simbólica. Autor de publicaciones en Chile y en el extranjero, entre sus libros se cuentan: Historia de un área marginal, la enseñanza artística en Chile (1797 - 1993), ¿Cómo evaluar el arte?, Evaluación de las artes visuales a nivel escolar: Prácticas, mitos y teorías (2002), Sensibilidad estética: un desafío pendiente en la educación chilena (2006), El golpe estético: dictadura militar en Chile (2012), coautor Gonzalo Leiva.




How to Cite
Errázuriz-Larraín L. H. (2014). Aesthetic quality of the school environment: The invisible (f)actor. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 27(1), 81-100.