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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The title and summary are clear and accurately reflect the content of the article, and are suitable to guide and attract readers in Internet searches.
  • The format of the file sent is Microsoft Word for Windows or macOS.
  • The ORCID code has been added, if available.
  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.
  • DOI references have been included when available.
  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.
  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review
  • It has been verified that all the epigraphs of the article are adapted to the format downloaded.
  • In the article the images (in low quality) and their captions are inserted in the corresponding place.

Author Guidelines

I. Publication guidelines

1.  General issues

The journal  Arte, Individuo y Sociedad (AIS), edited by the Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid [Publications Service of the Complutense University of Madrid], is a quarterly journal, founded in 1988 in the Department of Art Education of the Faculty of Fine Arts, and targeting specialists, investigators and professionals from the field of artistic education, art, and creativity. It publishes original works, carried out with methodological rigor and that contribute to research in these fields without losing sight of the multidisciplinarity that characterizes this sphere of knowledge. When assessing the works, those that are a product of financed research projects will receive special consideration.

2. Submission of manuscripts

2.1 Articles

Submission implies that the manuscript has not been published and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. The articles should be written in Spanish or in English (see point 4 of the guidelines). They should be presented in Word format for Windows or Mac OSX without data that identify the author and sent through the application Along with the article, a separate file should also be included showing the full name of the author or authors, the ORCID code, a brief resume of each author —max. 200 words— and the address, email, agency, and phone number (of the responsible person, in case of several authors. Likewise, in the case of several authors, the contribution to the work of each one of them should be indicated). The funding of the work, if any, should be included in this file, with its complete reference.

2.2  Reviews and Exhibitions

 Writings of a descriptive or critical nature on recent publications and exhibitions that are within the general publication scope of the journal. Include name and surname, affiliation and ORCID code of the author of the review or exhibition (max. 400 words).

2.3  Interviews

Only interviews within a 3000-word limit will be considered for publication. Include name and surnames, affiliation and ORCID code of the author of the interview.

3. Reviewers

The complete data (affiliation, email) of two potential reviewers proposed for the evaluation of the article is recommended provide. The proposal must be justified by the reviewers' specialization in the field of work addressed in the article. Reviewers must not belong to the same institution as the author, or pose any conflict of interest. The editor of the magazine reserves the right to propose these or other reviewers for the assessment of the article, should it be approved for the review phase.

4. Size and structure

Articles will have a length of between 5,000 and 7,500 words (without including abstract, keywords and references) and use the following structure: Title (in English and Spanish); Abstract in Spanish, of between 150 and 200 words, with well- structured content, followed by keywords (no more than 5 words), the English translation of the abstract, the title of the article and the keywords and the summary. If the article is written in English, the summary in Spanish should be added. The text of the article should not include the name of the author or authors or any reference to them.

5. Images

Images (10 maximum/per article) will be sent in high resolution JPG format (300 dpi and 17x14 cm maximum size) in separate files from the text, referring in the text itself to the place where each image belongs. The author is responsible for the use made of the images and must indicate the author of the photograph (unless it is the same author of the article, in which case “photograph by author” must be specified) or the origin of it. The Journal reserves the right to modify the size of the images in case it is necessary for their correct publication, respecting as far as possible the original format by the author. If the author considers that the article, due to its characteristics, requires a greater number of images than allowed, it must be specified in the submission (comments for the editor) and the Editorial Board will assess its viability.

6. References

Bibliographic quotations and references (at least ten) should follow APA guidelines (v. 7). Will be procured to minimize the number and length of the footnotes, limiting their use to clarifications that are essential to the text.

7. Process of assessment

All selected papers are subjected to peer review ("double-blind" system”). Previously, an initial review of manuscripts is made by the editors to ensure that the works meet the requirements of the publication guidelines. Among other criteria, the following will be considered:

• The article is the result of a funded research project.
• Originality, up-to-datedness, and novelty.
• Relevance for the fields addressed by the journal.
• Methodological quality, good presentation, and writing.

If this first review is passed, the originals are sent to external reviewers. The results will be communicated to the authors so they can carry out the appropriate corrections that may arise from the review.

The acceptance or rejection of articles will be communicated to the authors within a period of about four months. After layout, the work will be sent to the authors a rough draft so they can correct possible errors that do not affect the content.

(During non-schooling periods the handling of articles received in AIS will be suspended until end of such periods).

8.  Acceptance of articles

The accepted papers must conform to the format of the journal and will be fully respected, except for possible detected grammatical or spelling errors, which will be corrected by the editor of the journal. Authors' whose work has been published in this journal will not be considered for subsequent publication within the same year. After publication in this journal, a waiting time (non-inferior to one year) will be established for authors to be considered for a future issue. The opinions and statements published are the responsibility of the authors, and such opinions and statements do not necessarily represent the views or the editorial policy of the journal. Likewise, authors should respect the ethical principles of research and publication.

If a work is accepted for publication, the copyright to print and/or reproduce the article by any means will be transferred to the Journal. Consult the guidelines at: The rules can also be found at:

9. Cover Page

This journal accepts image contributions to be featured as the cover page in any of the issues.

Image requirements:

• It must be original an artwork by the sender (or with explicit permission of use by the original author).
• It must not have been previously used as a cover page in any printed or digital publication.
• It must comply with the following digital format: 17 cm wide by 14 cm high, resolution 300 ppp.
• The following information should accompany the submission: author, title, year and technique.

The selection process will be carried out by the Editorial Board of the journal.

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Controller Vicerrectorado Cultura y Deporte y Extensión Universitaria,  +info 
Purpose Dissemination and sale of UCM’s publishing/ billing and shipping of publications +info
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