A book to inspire scientific vocations in little girls. Girls as social actors

  • Elsa S. Guevara Ruiseñor Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Girls, scientific vocations, gender, book


The purpose of this text is to present the theoretical and epistemological justification of a coloring book created with the intention of inspiring scientific vocations in young girls, to describe the meaning and content of the book, as well as to share the impressions it left on some of the girls who received it. It is a book entitled: "I want to be a scientist like them" that recognizes girls as social actors and their capacity for agency, using a visual and written narrative that disrupts stereotypical models of female behavior, placing women and girls as protagonists in the generation and transmission of scientific knowledge, while vindicating the body, affections and emotions as essential components of scientific activity. The idea was that this material would allow girls to legitimize their own questions and concerns about mathematics, society or the biological world, to make evident the leading role of women in science, while questioning a gender order that tends to invisibilize or underestimate women and girls as epistemic subjects. The testimonies of some of the girls seem to indicate that the objective was achieved.


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How to Cite
Guevara Ruiseñor E. S. (2023). A book to inspire scientific vocations in little girls. Girls as social actors. Sociedad e Infancias, 7(1), 91-103. https://doi.org/10.5209/soci.84757