Childhood Institutionalization, Lack of Protection and Governance among the Chilean Lower Class: An Analysis based on the Thought of Michel Foucault

  • Juan Carlos Rauld Farias Independiente
Keywords: Unprotected, institucionalization, Foucault, childhood´s biopolitics, goverment


This article examines the lack of protection of children in Chile, highlighting the main problems experienced by children of the lower class. Through a critical analysis from Foucault's thought, a type of population ignored both by the French philosopher and by subsequent academic studies is analyzed. Through a historical analysis, it is explored how from the 19th century to the present day, the institutionalization of children has been used as a strategy of control, confinement and government of the population. Finally, a philosophical interpretation of childhood in biopolitical terms is outlined, which clarifies that in the institutionalization of children by the State, a governmental power is exercised that can make them die.


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How to Cite
Rauld Farias J. C. (2020). Childhood Institutionalization, Lack of Protection and Governance among the Chilean Lower Class: An Analysis based on the Thought of Michel Foucault. Sociedad e Infancias, 4, 135-146.