Medición de la discapacidad vocal en los pacientes con nódulos vocales

  • Wasim Elhendi Halawa Hospital Punta Europa, Cádiz.
  • Irene Vázquez Muñoz Hospital Punta Europa, Cádiz.
  • Sofía Santos Pérez Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: Measurement, Vocal handicap, Vocal nodules.


In order to analyze the degree of handicap that vocal nodules suppose for patients, we present the results of the subjective evaluation (the vocal handicap index (VHI-30) adapted to Spanish language and the evaluation of symptoms associated with dysphonia) in 97 patients diagnosed of vocal nodules. We found a significant degree of handicap showed by high values of VHI-30 (61.18), its three subscales (organic (26.48), functional (21.75) and emotional (12.94)) and a significant degree of impairment caused by the associated symptoms. We compare our results with control groups of our environment and the results were stratified according to the profession of patients. We conclude that the presence of vocal nodules causes a significant grade of disability for social and professional activities and a considerable emotional impact for the patient.


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How to Cite
Halawa W. E., Vázquez Muñoz I. y Santos Pérez S. (2012). Medición de la discapacidad vocal en los pacientes con nódulos vocales. Revista de Investigación en Logopedia, 2(1), 1-14.