Laryngeal massage technique: acoustic validation through integrated indexes

  • Mª Alejandra Santi Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
  • Andrea Romano Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
  • Silvana Montenegro Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
  • Jorge Alberto Gurlekian Laboratorio de Investigaciones Sensoriales e Instituto de Neurociencias Aplicadas, Argentina.
Keywords: Acoustic analysis, Integrated indexes, Laryngeal massage, Voice.


Previous research is expanded, having as an objective a different measurement, focusing on what immediate changes occur after the application of the laryngeal massage technique in patients with muscle- tension dysphonia type I and II. The calculation of values of integrated indices of ANAGRAF software was used: Integrated disturbance index (IPI), Articulatory speech precision index (IPA) and the efficient use of energy index. The IPI, linked with both glottal and vocal tract alterations in the glottal source showed significant changes in values pre -post application of the technique. The jitter and harmonic/noise values were the largest contributors in the IPI decrease.


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How to Cite
Santi M. A., Romano A., Montenegro S. y Gurlekian J. A. (2017). Laryngeal massage technique: acoustic validation through integrated indexes. Revista de Investigación en Logopedia, 7(1), 71-88.