The New York Communist "Daily Worker": Its evolution during the second red scare as seen by the American press

  • Francisco Javier Maestro Bäcksbacka Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Antonia Sagredo Santos Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Keywords: Cold War, McCarthyism, Daily Worker, US Communist Party, Truman, FBI.


This paper aims to study the hazardous course of the main communist newspaper in the US during the second red scare: The Daily Worker. To reach this aim the paper relies on the significant coverage that this topic received in the American press together with all the pertaining side-issues such as freedom of the press, prosecution of journalists related to non-American activities, loyalty oaths and the like, all of which led to Macarthyism by 1950, that is, a state of mind of fear –even of siege- bolstered by threats such as the communist victory in China, the outbreak of the Korean War, the menace of a nuclear war and the uncertainties of decolonization.


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How to Cite
Maestro Bäcksbacka F. J. y Sagredo Santos A. (2016). The New York Communist "Daily Worker": Its evolution during the second red scare as seen by the American press. Historia y Comunicación Social, 21(2), 343-362.