Itineraries between Battles
The Displacements of Peter the Catholic, King of Aragon and Count of Barcelona, from July 1212 to September 1213
Taking part in the renewed interest in the itineraries as a field of study of power in the Middle Ages, this contribution analyzes the travels of the King of Aragon and Count of Barcelona Peter the Catholic (1196-1213) during his last year of life. The itineraries are reconstructed from traditional studies, the most recent specific research and the new documental contributions, putting a special interest in graphic expression in the form of maps. The displacements of the Catalan-Aragonese monarch, made at a key moment of his reign, lie in its political-military context, allowing the comment of some relevant historical issues, such as the presence with the King of certain personages. Another issue that is devoted particular attention is the transpyrenean route followed by the royal army on their way to the Battle of Muret.