Feminist literary criticism: a didactic application in literature classes

  • Blanca Hernández Quintana Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Keywords: didactic, literary criticism, feminism, literature, education


Feminism, thanks to its interdisciplinary nature, enables the emergence of feminist literary criticism whose main objectives are to make silenced women writers visible throughout the history of literature, systematize them in historical evolution and analyze their texts to discover subjectivity in the creative process and sexual differences from a gender perspective. Literature, as an agent of cultural transmission, beyond its aesthetic and artistic value, must also contemplate the social vision, the interpretations and the values that the texts hide. Taking into account these contributions, we suggest a series of didactic proposals that can be implemented in 4º ESO classrooms in order to offer a complete vision of the literary culture and make known the role and vision of female writers´ work. Considering the flexibility of the curriculum, education, through literature, should promote gender equality and train free and equal citizens to create a more just and egalitarian world.


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How to Cite
Hernández Quintana B. (2020). Feminist literary criticism: a didactic application in literature classes. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 32, 139-149. https://doi.org/10.5209/dida.71792