Conversaciones diferidas en el exilio. La correspondencia de Baltasar Samper a Pau Casals

  • Olga Picún Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de la Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación, Uruguay
Keywords: Civil War, migration, exile, music, Samper, Casals, correspondence, Spain, Mexico, France.


The Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya (National Archive of Catalonia) holds a collection of papers belonging to the distinguished cellist Pau Casals. Amid the personal and official correspondence the Catalan musician received are a small number of letters from Baltasar Samper. A composer, pianist, conductor, musicologist and critic, hailing from the Balearic Islands, Samper went into exile as a consequence of the Spanish Civil War, which initially led him to France and later to Mexico, where he ended his days. This study explores the epistolary ties between both musicians and, through this, the ways in which Samper faced exile in both countries, focusing on the transformation of his career in the music world.


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How to Cite
Picún O. (2018). Conversaciones diferidas en el exilio. La correspondencia de Baltasar Samper a Pau Casals. Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 28, 143-172.