The pronunciation of the implosive /s/ of Romanians and Poles in Granada: an example of linguistic accommodation?

Keywords: linguistic accommodation, phonetics, Granada, migrants


This research presents an analysis of the pronunciation of the /s/ sound of the Polish and Romanian migrant population currently living in Granada. This city is located in an innovative area of Spanish, and is characterised, among other features, by the aspirated or elided pronunciation of /s/ in implosive which final position. If we analyse the sounds used by migrants from these origins in Granada, we can see whether these groups are linguistically accommodated to the community or whether, on the other hand, they diverge. Based on the corpus elaborated in the PALER project, these processes will be analysed in the speeches of 30 informants for each group. We will use sociolinguistic variables, both linguistic (position, linguistic context, grammatical category) and extra-linguistic (level of education, origin of the interviewer and individual variables). In our conclusions, we have been able to note a possible accommodation of some migrants to the Granada pronunciation, which also implies an integration and identification of these speakers in the community


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How to Cite
Fernández de Molina Ortés E. . (2022). The pronunciation of the implosive /s/ of Romanians and Poles in Granada: an example of linguistic accommodation?. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 92, 13-28.