Design of an ontology applied to digital historic lexicography

Keywords: historic lexicography, digital dictionaries, semantic web, ontologies


This paper aims to show the result of the design of a common ontology —called DHistOntology— applied to the Diccionario histórico de la lengua española (DHLE), Real Academia Española, and the Tesoro della lingua italiana delle origini (TLIO), developed at the research institute “Opera del Vocabolario Italiano” (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) - Accademia della Crusca. Specifically, we will show the advances that have been made in the organization and semantic classification of the medical lexicon, the purpose of which is to project a more effective word search, implemented computationally, in this pair of digital lexicographic repertoires; while accounting for both the huge flow of terminology stored in them and the network of semantic relationships established between the DHLE and TLIO. Therefore, we use the new technological tools for knowledge management in the semantic web applied to historic lexicography.


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How to Cite
Molina Sangüesa I. (2023). Design of an ontology applied to digital historic lexicography. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 93, 229-242.