Syntactic and discursive values of Twitter hashtags

  • Ana Mancera Rueda Universidad de Sevilla
  • Ana Pano Alamán Università di Bologna
Keywords: syntax, discourse, political communication, hashtag, Twitter


In this paper we focus on political discourse in the microblog Twitter. We present the results of a quantitative-qualitative analysis of the syntactic and discursive properties of a corpus of hashtags in the tweets of different Spanish politicians, published during the campaign for the European Parliament elections in 2014. This study is based on the assumptions of discourse analysis and aims at detecting the relation between the grammatical features of the hashtags, such as structure, position and syntactic functions, and their discursive values within the context of the electoral campaign, the hashtag being an indicator of the speaker’s intentionality and modality of enunciation.


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How to Cite
Mancera Rueda A. y Pano Alamán A. (2015). Syntactic and discursive values of Twitter hashtags. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 64, 58-83.