Linguistics and the perfect historian

  • Xavier Laborda Gil Universidad de Barcelona
Keywords: historiography, history of linguistics, Umberto Eco, perfect language.


The quest for the perfect historian is the search for historiography that is renewing the history of linguistics. First, the paper outlines three stages in the history of linguistics, since its founding in 1902 by V. Thomsen, and its prominent representatives, including Umberto Eco From Eco's presentation of a paper on The search for the perfect language in the 1992 Congress of Semiotics in La Coruña (Spain), and model of the maze or network multicursal Eco thereof, it is proposed a Decalogue of Babel story, which applies to linguistic historiography.


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How to Cite
Laborda Gil X. (2011). Linguistics and the perfect historian. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 46, 51-90.