Environmentalism, bucolism and dissidence. Ecodystopian iconologies in the film production of the 70s

Keywords: Ecologism and cinema, counterculture, ecodystopia, No Blade of Grass, Silent Running, environmental imaginary


Throughout the 1960s, society began to become aware of the effects of pollution and the depletion of the planet's resources, leading to the emergence of the environmental movement. Theenvironmental demands were taken up by the film industry, heavily influenced by counter-cultural thinking, and constituted an extension of the scientific and academic debate. Thefilm productions told the story of the generational rejection of urban society and its technological derivations, establishing a new environmental imaginary through ecodystopian proposals. This article delves into the films No Blade of Grass (Wilde, 1970) and Silent Running (Trumbull, 1972) as representative case studies of the cultural positions adopted confronting, through urban dissidence and bucolic artificial bucolism, the end of the urban.


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How to Cite
Grávalos Lacambra I. . (2024). Environmentalism, bucolism and dissidence. Ecodystopian iconologies in the film production of the 70s. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 29, 35-49. https://doi.org/10.5209/ciyc.94880