Motivations, structures and uses of the electronic mails in the Internet: a multidisciplinary study

  • Graciela Padilla
  • Dimitrina Semova Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Paula Requeijo
Keywords: E-mails, Internet, uses and gratifications, Maslow pyramid, networks of diffusion


The research group number 940820 of Complutense University has developed an analysis of uses and gratifications involved in audiovisual message-sending through the e-mail. The main goal of the Project is to study the functions, the needs and the uses of this type of messages sent by the e-mail system of the Internet. There are precedents in the analysis of interpersonal communicative networks, but the new fields of this communicative activity remain unexplored. The combined methodology of traditional uses and motivations communication theories, a quantitative research and an analysis of the Networks of influence and the roles of diffusion, show the importance of the implication of persons, the primacy of superior needs in the messages’ content, and the salience of humor are some of the main conclusions of our study.


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How to Cite
Padilla G., Semova D. y Requeijo P. (2011). Motivations, structures and uses of the electronic mails in the Internet: a multidisciplinary study. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 16, 181-195.