Sotaiart: prácticas críticas en los intersticios de un museo

  • Javier Rodrigo Montero
Palabras clave: Interstice, Sotai, Critical Pedagogy, Critical Museology, Art education, Deconstruction, Resistance


This article makes a relationship of the critical practices in museum with interstices though the example of a educational workshop called "sotai art" at the Fundació Pilar y Joan Miró at Palma de Mallorca. In uses an interdisciplinary approach from the frames of critical pedagogy, critical museology and the new shifts in art education with poststructuralism. This educative practice is then presented as a case of critical cultural policies within museum .This workshop will be developed from serialization of micro-processes as an infiltration of diverse gazes and cultures that finally constitutes a space of articulated micronarratives from the mixing of sotai and contemporary art The workshop is analysed as a in interstice, as a critical gap o in-between space if resistance within the museum domain, that explores and overdraws positively the blind spots of a museum, and simoultanesly makes flexible the structure and function of the museum


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Cómo citar
Rodrigo Montero J. (2007). Sotaiart: prácticas críticas en los intersticios de un museo. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 19, 95-116.