Journal Statutes


The journal Arte, Individuo y Sociedad (ISSN: 1131-5598 / ISSN-e: 1988-2408) is a quarterly journal edited by the area of Art Education of the Department of Sculpture and Artistic Training of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UCM. It addresses artistic matters and their relations with the social, historical, and cultural context in which they occur from different scientific fields, especially artistic creation and education, creativity, and the analysis of aesthetic behavior and experience. Published works are submitted to anonymous review ("double-blind system”). In addition to scientific articles, the journal includes bibliographic reviews, interviews, information on academic activities, and didactic works.

1. Management bodies
The Editorial Board and the Advisory Board are the management bodies responsible for the scientific coordination and editing of the journal. All members of these boards are committed to respecting the principles of the Code of Ethics established for scientific journals by the Complutense University of Madrid.

1.1. Associate Editors: Structure and composition
- The Editorial Board will be composed of the Director, the Deputy Director, the Associate Editors, the Secretary, and the members. The post of Director must be occupied by an active professor with a contractual relationship with the UCM. At least one-third of the members must belong to institutions other than the Complutense University of Madrid.
- The members will be elected by the Council of the Department of Sculpture and Artistic Training at the proposal of the commission appointed for this purpose by the area responsible for the edition. There will be three votes for the candidates proposed for each post: one to elect the Director, one to elect the members of the institution, and a third one to elect the external members. The positions of Deputy Director, Associate Editors, and Secretary will be directly appointed by the Director.

1.1.1. Functions of the Director

- The Director will be responsible for the coordination and representation of the journal, the relations with the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board, and Ediciones Complutense. Likewise, the Director will be in charge of the relations with other institutions for any matter related to the journal.

- The Director will choose the Associate Editors and the Secretary.

- The Director will convene the meetings of the Editorial Board.

- The Director must inform the Council of the Department about the journal's functioning and needs.

- The Director will be responsible for ensuring the maintenance of the highest scientific quality of the journal, as well as its recognition and inclusion in national and international databases and its evaluation to achieve quality seals, with the assistance of the rest of the members of the Editorial Board.

- The Director will have a casting vote in the event of a tie in the deliberations of the Editorial Board.

- The Director will acknowledge receipt to the authors of all the works received.

1.1.2. Functions of the Deputy Director
- The function of the Deputy Director will be to assist the Director, establishing the necessary guidelines for improving the publication and decision-making.
- The Deputy Director will manage problems that may arise during the process of receipt and evaluation of articles.
- The Deputy Director will assume the functions of the Director when necessary.
- The Deputy Director will be responsible for sending the originals to the reviewers with an instruction document and an evaluation template.

1.1.3. Roles of the Associate Editors
- The Associate Editors will be responsible for receiving the originals sent by the Direction or Sub-Direction of the journal and their management throughout the evaluation and publication process.
- The Associate Editors will be responsible for monitoring the entire editorial process of the journal's issues (preparation and delivery of originals —including the first pages and statistics—sending the proofs to the authors) and communicating with the authors about the publication.

1.1.4. Functions of the Secretary
- The Secretary will prepare the meetings with the Director and will draw up minutes of the meetings of the Editorial Board. Likewise, the Secretary will be responsible for the custody of the minutes and will certify the work carried out by the members, the scientific advisers, and the reviewers.

- The Secretary will review the articles modified by the author according to the indications of the reviewers.

- The Secretary will indicate the formal modifications necessary for the article to be published and will control the layout process.

-The Secretary will collaborate with the Director in selecting the articles received for initial evaluation and subsequent submission to the editors in charge of the review process. Likewise, the Secretary will indicate the necessary formal modifications so the article can be published and will control the layout process.  

1.1.5. Functions of the Members of the Editorial Board
- The Members of the Editorial Board are obliged to attend the meetings that are convened, either in person or virtually.

- The Members will collaborate in the search for external reviewers for the works and will not be reviewers in any case.

- The Members will advise and collaborate with the journal's management in any tasks considered necessary for its proper functioning, including ensuring compliance with punctuality and periodicity.

1.2. Advisory Board
- The Advisory Board will comprise professionals and researchers of recognized prestige and solvency without institutional links with the journal. Besides granting rigor to the journal, the Advisory Board should establish the editorial policy, make the journal attractive to authors and readers, and disseminate it in all forums to the extent of their possibilities. The Advisory Board will also collaborate in the evaluation and audit processes.

- The Advisory Board will include professionals and researchers from foreign institutions among its members.

- The process of choosing its members will be as follows: They will be chosen by the Editorial Board from professionals of recognized prestige at the proposal of a member of the Advisory Board.

- The members of the Advisory Board may participate in the evaluation processes of originals as external peers, considering that at least one of the evaluations will always be issued by a reviewer outside the Advisory Board.

2. Features and functioning
2.1. Periodicity
- The journal will be published with a periodicity of 4 issues per year. In addition, on an extraordinary basis, the journal may propose publishing a special issue to Ediciones Complutense.

2.2. Structure
- The journal will consist of the following sections: Research articles, reviews of relevant publications, and interviews. In addition, the work of relevant artists will be reproduced on each cover with their permission.

2.3. Publication guidelines