Imagen, memoria e industria cultural: el holocausto y las propuestas de su representación.

  • Alejandro Baer Mieses
Keywords: Docunientary film, Historical fllm, History and criticisni, Jewish Holocaust, 1939-1945


The difficulty of adequately comprehending and representing the Holocaust has been a paradigmatic example in the debate on the writing ofhistory. This debate acquires a special significance in a time where visual media has an increasing weight in the representation of the past, and raises the question of how the presence of images affects the holocaust's public remembrance. The `Survivors of the Shoah' visual history project, examined in this paper, emerges in this heavily commodityfied cultural context which is marked as well by the skepticism towards any account of the past. 1 will analyze the representational value of videotaped testimonies and explore the ways in which this fonn of representation suggests appealing altematives to the relativism raised by the postmodem critique.


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How to Cite
Baer Mieses A. (1999). Imagen, memoria e industria cultural: el holocausto y las propuestas de su representación. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 11, 113.