Art and analytical psychology, an archetypal interpretation of art.

  • María Del Pilar Quiroga Méndez
Keywords: Art, Collective unconscious, Archetypes


Analytical psychology is an interesting and necessary perspective to deepen in the analysis of art. However, it is a usually ignored, due to their amplitude, complexity and also the difficulty to be communicated to other areas of knowledge. This study attempts to summarize the main lines on which rests an interpretation of art from the perspective of analytical psychology. This begins with an introduction to the interpretation of analytical psychology and art, and also about the individual and the collective in the art. It continues explaining the concepts of collective unconscious, archetypes and their relation to the artistic phenomenon. We included a paragraph about the artist and we finished the article with the function of art as compensation from the spirit of the times.


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How to Cite
Quiroga Méndez M. D. P. (2010). Art and analytical psychology, an archetypal interpretation of art. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 22(2), 49-61.