Culture and Alzheimer in Vic: Impact of the project on the well-being and social participation of the users and other participants

Keywords: Alzheimer, Art, Community, Quality of life, Qualitative research, Wellbeing, Culture


Dementia has a progressive and chronic evolution that will generate a dependency to carry out activities of daily living (WHO, 2021). Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common way in which it is expressed (WHO, 2020) and has limitations in the opportunities to participate in significant occupations (occupational deprivation). This article describes project Vic: Culture and Alzheimer, which has made all the cultural and art centers in the city of X available to people with dementia, their families, and caregivers, making it an inclusive and friendly city for people with dementia. This project developed qualitative research to understand the perception of utility by the participants and the impact at the level of well-being and social participation. The research was a polyphonic dialogue between participants and the cultural and welfare institutions of the city, together with the City Council and the University. The main results were the perception of the positive impact on the cognitive and emotional well-being of the users and on their social participation. Its character of innovation and impact on the community was highlighted. Finally, it is recognized that art and culture are powerful tools to mobilize an entire city in favor of the inclusion, well-being and non-stigmatization of people with AD.


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Author Biography

Salvador Simó-Algado, Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya

Investigador del Centro de estudios sanitarios y Sociales.

Director del grupo de investigación Salud Mental e Inclusión Social.

Director del Máster en emergencias psicosociales y humanitarias.

Director del postgrado en Emprendimiento Social.

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How to Cite
Simó-Algado S., Canals-Botines M., Espitia-Cepeda C. . y Villanueva-Blasco V. J. . (2024). Culture and Alzheimer in Vic: Impact of the project on the well-being and social participation of the users and other participants. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 36(1), 93-105.