The Arachneid, Fernand Deligny and the attempt of a gestural philosophy

Keywords: Deligny, arachnid, attempt, gesture, philosophy


This article explores the work and thought of French pedagogue Fernand Deligny (1913-1996), focusing on his last project commonly referred to as the Tentative des Cévennes, developed between 1967-1996. From this experience that Deligny forged together with his collaborators, the article exposes the generation of a particular form of knowledge, a philosophy subordinated to a gestural solidarity network formed by human and non-human bodies, environments and situations, minimal gestures, everyday actions, and contingent events, visible only through a series of aesthetic devices that were developed during this period: writings, traces, maps, films, interviews, and wanderings. This gestural philosophy would be linked to a series of actions that would constitute an organic system in its apparent material dispersion. The article is organized through a biographical and historical contextualization, to later deploy the theoretical framework of the research and a conclusion.


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Author Biography

Luis Guerra-Miranda, The University of the Arts Helsinki

Luis Guerra (*1974, Santiago de Chile) is a Visual Artist and Philosopher. Currently he is a University Researcher at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland, and Fellow Researcher at the research group Post-foundational Contemporary Thought: Critical and theoretical analysis of the contemporary ontologies of negativity and the question of the violence of the foundation (2022–2025, University of Barcelona). Former Associate Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts at BAU University Center of Arts and Design Barcelona (2020-2022), GREDITS Design and Social Transformation Research Group Coordinator, and co-editor of the scientific review Immaterial, Design, Art and Society.
Luis Guerra did postdoctoral studies at the Center for Artistic Research (CfAR), University of the Arts Helsinki, 2019-2020. He was also Fellow Resident Artist at the Saastamoinen Foundation, Helsinki (2021) and Fellow grantee at the Kone Foundation, Helsinki (2020) with the artistic research project Wandering Echoes, rounds and litanies as performative maps under confinement. In 2022, he published his second book: Wandering Echoes, a handbook of operative losses, Errant Bodies Press, Berlin. In 2017 he published La Inexistencia del Arte, Brumaria Editores Madrid, after a research residency at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, thanks to the support of Santander Foundation (2015-2016).
His praxis inhabits a zone of visual encounters between drawings and acts, writings and objects. His work revolves around the imaginary line that Western culture has created between art and philosophy. Among the concepts framing his artistic research are three main notions: the un-domiciled, the echoicity and the inexistent.

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How to Cite
Guerra-Miranda L. (2024). The Arachneid, Fernand Deligny and the attempt of a gestural philosophy. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 36(1), 15-24.