The impact of the arts on social and entrepreneurial actions during covid19. Educational perception

Keywords: Arts, SDG, Business, Sustainability, Education


The impact of COVID-19 on the way of consuming art has led to changes in behavior towards more responsible and sustainable models. Art continues to be a fundamental part of people's lives, and significantly influences the quality of life, both in the educational and work environment. During confinement, the people who have been able to consume art have done so according to different needs and contexts. However, art, beyond its social benefits, has a direct implication both in sustainability and in the business world. This work aims to know the consumption of art during the pandemic and its relationship with social and business responsibility. The methodological approach is quantitative and was based on an ad hoc questionnaire in which a total of 308 people participated. From the results it is clear that through the consumption of art responsible behaviors can be generated in companies. In addition, the relationship established between art and business success is highlighted, as well as the involvement and responsibility in sustainability.


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How to Cite
Ana M., López-Navarro M. Á., Calderón-Garrido D. ., José V., Alcalá- García I. . y M. Victoria. (2023). The impact of the arts on social and entrepreneurial actions during covid19. Educational perception. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 35(2), 617-629.