O Grupo do Leão, A new Visuality of Access: a methodological proposal around the use of virtual reality in people with visual disabilities

Keywords: Accesibility, Visual Impairment, Photogrammetry, Virtual Reality, Museums


This article aims to reflect on the possibilities offered by virtual reality as a mediating element between the artistic object and the visually impaired audiences. From the photogrammetric digitization and virtual treatment of the painting O Grupo do Leão (1885) by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (a key piece of Portuguese Realism), we focus on mechano-haptic feedback as a resource for cognitive and socio-affective inclusion in the museum field. The purpose is to develop and promote a technological prototype (in progress) that makes effective the aesthetic encounter between the visually impaired viewer and the museum object in the most authentic way possible. Finally, some results already obtained: capture processes and generation of the three-dimensional model, cleaning, and treatment with specialized 3D software to contribute to a new exploration of the senses within the field of visual immersion in museums.


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Author Biographies

Patrícia Roque-Martins, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Patrícia Roque Martins es Investigadora Auxiliar del Instituto de Historia del Arte de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades NOVA (Lisboa) donde desarrolla el proyecto "Narrativas de la Discapacidad: ¿cómo (no) explorar la alteridad en museos y exposiciones? Construyendo una mirada hacia mejorar los imaginarios culturales en torno a las personas con discapacidad". Anteriormente fue Miembro Integrante del CITCEM - Centro de Investigación Transdisciplinar “Cultura, Espacio y Memoria” de la Universidad de Oporto, donde desarrolló el proyecto "La Representación de la Discapacidad en las Colecciones de los Museos de la Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural (DGPC): discurso, identidad y sentido de pertenencia", con una beca postdoctoral individual de la FCT - Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (2015/2021). Es Doctora en Bellas Artes, especialidad en Museología (2015), Máster en Museología y Museografía (2008) y Licenciada en Historia del Arte (2001) por la Universidad de Lisboa, Portugal. Ha sido ponente invitada en varios eventos científicos en Portugal y Brasil en el área de accesibilidad y discapacidad en museos. Ha publicado el libro "Museos (En) Capacitantes. Deficiência, Acessibilidades e Inclusão em Museus de Arte" (DGPC-Caleidóscopio, 2017), así como varios artículos revisados por pares en revistas internacionales. Actualmente, es miembro de la red internacional americana The Inclusive Museum Research Network y de la red internacional europea Asociación Red Europea.

Leticia Crespillo-Marí, Universidad de Málaga

Melillense (1986), based in Malaga, Graduated in Art History (2015) and Diploma in Tourism (2009) from the University of Malaga. I studied the Master's Degree in Social Development of Artistic Culture (UMA) during the year 2015-2016 and the Master's Degree for Secondary, Baccalaureate and FP teachers. CCSS Line: Geography and History and Philosophy (2018-2019). I am currently doing my doctoral thesis entitled Use, presence and registration of light in contemporary aesthetic reception processes. Master in Virtual Heritage (Virtualization and Restoration of Heritage) from the University of Alicante (2019-2020). I am part of several research groups led by Dr. Nuria Rodríguez Ortega, as a collaborating researcher and, currently, I am co-director of the Ibero-American Academic University Scientific Journal of Humanities, Art and Culture Eviterna (ISSN: 2530-6014). Since February 2019 I have been a contracted Predoctoral Research Personnel (PIF) in the Department of Art History of the UMA. Specialist in Virtualization of Heritage and Virtual Restoration, I have participated as a speaker in several conferences and seminars related to visual culture and new technologies in the museum field and I have written several articles on various topics related to the possibilities that Virtual Reality and the 3D development can offer the field of art reception, especially in relation to manifestations of an intangible nature (presence, perception, emotional development, participation in the work, psychology and phenomenology of individual perception). Currently, I work with 3D modeling and visualization tools, as well as photogrammetry techniques. At present I am investigating the possibilities that Virtual Reality offers to current Museography, on which I eventually give seminars within the Trans-UMA transversal training laboratory project promoted by the iArtHis_Lab research group.


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How to Cite
Roque-Martins P. y Crespillo-Marí L. (2023). O Grupo do Leão, A new Visuality of Access: a methodological proposal around the use of virtual reality in people with visual disabilities. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 35(1), 29-51. https://doi.org/10.5209/aris.80509