Reflections upon the contemporary graphics. Future challenges in higher education

Keywords: Digital art, contemporary graphics, Arts Education, inter-multi-transdiciplinarity, artscience- technology


The scientific and technological changes that have taken place in the last decades have affected all fields of knowledge, culture and our daily life. In the artistic area, these changes have generated new ways of creating, communicating and consuming art, in line with the breathtaking transformations that the new technologies provide us with. Undoubtedly, the artworks produced under the influence of new technologies circulate through new paths that the institutions related to the Arts, the History of Art or the critics do not easily assimilate, considering that, in general, their internal organizational structures evolve more slowly than the contemporary technological advances. In some faculties and higher schools of Arts Education, the “mismatch” between the curricular contents and the artistic market demands is progressively more accused. Possibly, the lack of means and the teacher training are some of the causes of the current mismatch. In the view of this situation, a transdisciplinary approach between arts, science, and technology is imperative to respond to an increasing demand of new ways of addressing projects -not only related to arts and culture, but to all production and research fields -, and to solve problems to adapt to the demanding scenario of economy and the society of the digital era.


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How to Cite
Figueras-Ferrer E. (2021). Reflections upon the contemporary graphics. Future challenges in higher education. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 33(2), 449-466.