A 'flâneuse' teacher in Paris. Cartographies in initial teacher training

  • Amparo Alonso-Sanz Universitat de València
Keywords: drift, cartography, flâneuse, initial teacher training


This study is based on the foundations of artistic drift, as an ethnographic technique to explore the urban territory, initiated by Surrealists and Situationists. The author investigates the particularities of being flâneuse (wandering observer in cities) in Paris, for a period of one month, from a feminist perspective of this practice. From a teaching point of view, the city is seen as a place of learning for future teachers in their initial training. The objective is to find artistic strategies of cartographic design associated with drifts, with which visually reflect on the experience of the city; and apply them to the initial training of secondary school teachers of visual arts. The A/R/Tography is used as a method of Art Based Research that allows combining the artistic, research and teaching interests. Drift experiences are analyzed and classified according to different categories, which match opposite ways of experiencing the city: alone or with family; at a slow pace or running; on surface or underground. The results are 6 cartographies that show different ways of representing the results of drifting: aesthetically, technically and conceptually. These cartographies highlight the way of experiencing the city for a woman and serve to exemplify to future teachers their use in the learning register.


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How to Cite
Alonso-Sanz A. (2020). A ’flâneuse’ teacher in Paris. Cartographies in initial teacher training. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 32(2), 363-386. https://doi.org/10.5209/aris.63670