The commitment of the body. Impressions around pain with Omar Jerez

Keywords: Omar Jerez, art, performance, pain


The corporal aspect in the performance, has been one of the fundamental pillars in its own conception. In this sense, the relationship with pain is evident in various actions, either by the media or by its conceptual core. In the case of Omar Jerez, both come together, in a work of coherence and commitment, over and above the artistic approach; for the artist, action is a means of personal and social discovery, a form of protest and, ultimately, a way of being. In this interview, we approach his work from an approach linked to pain and its presentation to the public through performative acts.


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Author Biography

María Cano-Martínez, Universidad de Granada

Diplomada en Enfermería (2004, UJA) y Licenciada en Bellas Artes (2012, UGR). Doctora en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Granada, en el Programa de Historia y Artes. Desarrolla su actividad profesional como enfermera con la investigación en Bellas Artes y su producción artística, en un trabajo multidisciplinar que aborda el dolor desde un punto de vida holísitico. Así mismo, es colaboradora en Proyectos de Investigación financiados por el Ministerio de Educación y por Horizonte 2020 a nivel Europeo, en el campo de las Artes.

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How to Cite
Cano-Martínez M. (2019). The commitment of the body. Impressions around pain with Omar Jerez. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 31(3), 695-701.