Andrea Zittel’s Uniforms projects: lines of force and resistance in the fashion dispositive

  • Larissa Almada Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
  • Cristiane Mesquita Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
Keywords: Uniforms projects, Andrea Zittel, fashion dispositive, lines of force, lines of resistance


Understanding fashion as one of the dispositives that produce lifestyles in the contemporary context, this article presents the Uniforms projects of the American artist Andrea Zittel, taken as reference to problematize the dominant patterns of dressing, ephemerality and consumerism, herein considered lines of force tied to the fashion dispositive. Initially, a brief trajectory of clothing in art is presented. Next, a panorama on Zittel followed by the Uniforms projects, punctuating the path of the artist in these propositions. From the thoughts of the philosophers Gilles Lipovetsky and Lars Svendsen, a theoretical vision is presented on the lines of force of the fashion dispositive, to observe fashion discourses carried out in printed and digital media, which point out its action in the contemporary world. The creations of the artist Andrea Zittel are considered lines of resistance to the hegemonic effect produced by the fashion dispositive, contradicting some rules and challenging it, by proposing other ways to deal with dressing that could suggest different perspectives of living.


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Author Biographies

Larissa Almada, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
Diseñadora. Doctoranda en Diseño (Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, São Paulo). Magíster en Diseño de Comunicación de Moda (Universidade do Minho, Portugal). Graduada en Diseño con habilitación en Moda (Senai/ CETIQT, Río de Janeiro). Docente de las carreras de grado en Diseño de Moda y Negocios de la Moda de la Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. Integrante del Grupo de Estudio en Diseño y Conspiración: Perspectivas en zigzag entre Arte y Filosofía.
Cristiane Mesquita, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
Psicoanalista. Posdoctoranda en Artes (Goldsmiths University of London). Magíster y doctora en Psicología Clínica por el Núcleo de Estudios e Investigaciones de la Subjetividad (Pontificia Universidad Católica de São Paulo – PUC-SP). Docente del Programa de Posgrado en Diseño de la Universidad Anhembi Morumbi, en São Paulo. Coordina el GEzz: Grupo de Estudios Zigzag: Transversalidad y Diseño; los proyectos de investigación Diseño y Conspiración: Perspectivas en zigzag entre Arte y Filosofía y CUÍDESE: el cuidado de uno mismo. Actividades sobre ti, tu cuerpo, tu ropa y tu imagen.
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How to Cite
Almada L. y Mesquita C. (2019). Andrea Zittel’s Uniforms projects: lines of force and resistance in the fashion dispositive. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 31(3), 573-588.